Studying in Germany

The terms you need to know (Part 2)

The winter semester started at many German universities on the first of October. If you are interested in studying in Germany or are already a student, you have probably already noticed that universities have their very own vocabulary. In this second part, we have put together five more basics for everyday university life.

1. Immatrikulation

“Immatrikulation” means official enrollment at a university. It is the formal admission to the respective institution. This gives students various rights, for example to attend lectures or take examinations. In Germany, every student is assigned an individual matriculation number by their university after successful matriculation, which serves as identification.

2. Hörsaal

A “Hörsaal” is a large room in a university or college that is usually used for lectures. It offers space for many students and is equipped with rows of chairs that rise towards the back. This arrangement gives all students a good view of the lectern and the blackboard or screen.

3. Semesterticket

A semester ticket is a ticket for local public transport that students can use for the duration of a semester. It is cheaper than buying a regular ticket and is often covered by the semester fee. The ticket allows unlimited use of buses, trains and regional trains within a certain region. In many places, the semester ticket is now even valid throughout Germany.

4. Duales Studium

A “duales Studium” (dual study program) combines studying at a university with training in a company. Students alternate between theoretical and practical phases. This allows them to study and gain work experience at the same time. At the end of the course, students usually receive both an academic degree and a training certificate.

5. Fachhochschule

“Fachhochschulen” tend to offer more practice-oriented courses, while universities are more research-oriented. They often work more closely with companies and are geared towards direct career entry. Universities of applied sciences in Germany are particularly popular in technical and business disciplines.

Do you already know the meaning of BAföG, ASta or Prüfungsamt? We explain these and other university terms in Part 1.

We wish all students a good start to the semester!🎓📚