“Du” and “Sie” in German: A guide for beginners
“Du” or “Sie”? The personal form of address poses a challenge for many learners of German. In Germany, this distinction is not only important from a grammatical point of view, but also reflects social norms and relationships. In this article, we explain when to use which form and what to bear in mind.
The basics: “Du” and “Sie”
There are two forms of personal address in German: “Du” and “Sie”.
“Du” is often used as an informal form of address among friends, in the family, in casual working environments or among younger people. It shows a certain familiarity and closeness. The form of address “Du” refers to one person, the plural is “Ihr”.
The formal form of address “Sie” is used to express respect and distance. It is common in business contexts, with strangers and especially with older people. “Sie” is used to address both individuals and several people.
Rules of thumb in everyday life
The situations in which you address someone as “Du” or “Sie” have to do with social conventions and manners. When you first meet someone, it is good manners to address them as “Sie” and only switch to “Du” when the person offers it or you have agreed to it. This is often done by asking questions such as “Wollen wir ‘Du’ sagen?” or “Sollen wir uns duzen?”.
Of course, everyone is free to accept or decline. It is important to know that customs may differ in other countries. While in some cultures it is more readily accepted to say “Du”, in others it remains more formal.
The way in which someone introduces themselves can sometimes indicate which form of address is desired – depending on whether a person only uses their first name or their full first name and surname. If in doubt, you are always on the safe side with the use of “Sie”.
“Du” and “Sie” at work
If it has not been clarified directly, you should listen carefully at work to what is customary in the company or how individual colleagues want to be addressed. In start-ups and creative professions, where hierarchies are flat, people often address each other informal with “Du”, even if they don't know each other well yet. In traditional companies, such as in banking or the legal sector, it is more common to use “Sie”. It is therefore advisable to observe the customs in your environment.
During the first contact in everyday working life, it is advisable to say “Sie”. The way you address the other person should also be observed in business emails. This shows respect and professionalism. Supervisors and older colleagues in particular should first be addressed with the formal form ”Sie”.
The difference between “Sie” vs. “sie”
The polite form “Sie” is similar to the third person plural “sie”. It is important to note the difference. While “Sie” is used as a formal form to address one or more people directly, “sie” is used as a personal pronoun to represent several people, names or objects.
- “Haben Sie einen Moment Zeit? Dann rufen Sie mich bitte zurück.” – “Sie” as a personal form of address.
- “Die Kollegen sind noch nicht da. Verspäten sie sich?“ – The pronoun “sie” replaces colleagues (“Kollegen”).
- “Die Bücher sind interessant, sie gefallen mir.” - Here, “sie” refers to the books (“Bücher”).
In written form, the two words can be easily distinguished by the spelling. While the form of address “Sie” is always written with a capital letter at the beginning, the personal pronoun “sie” is written in lower case.
The use of “Du” and “Sie” in German can seem confusing at first, but it is an important part of the language and culture. If you are unsure, it is better to start with the “Sie” until the other person offers the “Du”. With a little practice and attention, you will quickly get a good feel for the correct form of address.
You can find more articles about the German language in the “Learn German” category.